Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chapter 5

Vladek questions why he ever remarried after Anja's death. Why do you think he married Mala? Do you think Vladek and Mala have a good marriage? Explain.


  1. I think Vladek married Mala because she went through everything he went through too. She was close to Anja and Vladek for a long time. I think he felt that he needed another wife, and Mala was just the easiest choice to make. I don' think they have a good marriage. She is afraid of him, and he doesn't trust her and always compares her to Anja. I don't think it's anything to personal (I think they were probably better friends than spouses for each other), i just think he is still very in love with Anja. He really misses her.

  2. I think Vladek married Mala because they both went through the Holocaust and they were good friends. I don't think they have a good marriage, they're always fighting. It seems like Vladek is never satisfied with what Mala does.

  3. I think Vladek married Mala because they know what each other went through. They knew each other for a long time and I think that Vladek thought that he needed a wife. I think they have a horrible marriage. He really doesn't respect her, and she is scared of him. They don't really trust each other, and always hide things from one another. I think Vladek really loves and misses Anja that he wants Mala to be just like her, which is why he is always mad at her. Mala is not dong what Anja did.

  4. I think Vladek and mala knew what each other have been through. Since they both wen tthrough the same types of emotions ans stress, and losses. i dont think they have a good relationship because Mala is always so frustrated and mad at Vladek. Now Vladek cant stand Mala and the way everything has to be her way. Yeah i agree with sarah, that Vladek does miss Anja. He keeps thinking that anja would have treated him better than this

  5. I believe that he married Mala because they have been very close. They also have through the same pain, they have been tough through the Holocaust.
    I think that Mala and Vladek have a bad marriage. I think this because they are always fighting, she is scared of him, and he is very picking. I think that Vladek is still very in love with Anja and not getting over the fact that she is gone and that is why I think their marriage is bad.

  6. I think Vladek married Mala because he was lonely without Anja and wanted someone to patch the ripped seam in his heart. At first the marriage was probably good but now I think the marriage is going down hill. Vladek and Mala are always arguing about something it seems. As Vladek says "all Mala wants is my money," and both of them keep saying that they don't know how much longer they can take it.

  7. Vladek married Mala because he was lonely. They both went through the Holocaust together, too. I think that they have a terrible marriage. They are always fighting. Vladek is never satisfied with what he does like the wooden hangers. Vladek misses Anja also.

  8. I think he remarried because he wanted to be with someone again so that he could feel comfort of someone again. Like he just really wished it could be the same relationship that he had with Anja. But it wasn't. I think they do not have a good relationship because him and Anja always fight or get on eachothers nerve. Then it seems that Vladek treats her like dirt and Mala just wants the money that Vladek had saved. Personaly its Superficial Love.

  9. I think he remarried because after the loss of anja he was very sad. He needed some comfort and possibly might have tried to get over her. So he met Mala she was also from the holocaust so they had something in common. I think they probaly fell in love aat first but soon they got tired and bored of eachother. I think they do not have a very good marriage because they are always fighting and seem to have nothing in common besides the holocaust. Vladek wants to save money, and she apperently wants to spend it. Its a big mess :'(

  10. I think he remarried because he was lonely and needed someone to talk to. I think their relationship is very unhealthy I mean they hate each-other and all Mala wants is Vladek's money. They are only together because of the holocaust...

  11. I think Valadek remarried because he was lonly and need some to be with. It also said that they were all good friends. I don't think they have a good marriage because he is really mean to her and she is scared of him. If they had a good marriage she would not be afriad of him.

  12. I think that Valadek remarried because he was lonely, and knew Mala very well. I also think he remarried because of his sons, and he thought that he couldnt take care of his sons with out some kind of mother around. I dont think Valadek and Mala have a good marrige because everytime Mala does something for Valadek he doesnt respect it or anything. Its like Mala is invisible. They seem to hate each other and not have a very good so call it "marrige". Its remonds me of a desprit moment, like Valadek NEEDED a wife.

  13. I think Vladek married Mala out of necessity. A semi-wealthy Jewish man in his middle ages is expected to be married. He found Mala and she went through everything he did, so it was better than someone he had nothing in common with.

  14. I think he remarried Mala because she was very much like Anja, so he probably felt that she would fill in the empty hole, where Anja used to be. Vladek and Mala do not have a good marriage because they are always fighting. She tries to be nice to him, but he just keeps pushing her away.

  15. I think Vladek married Mala, because he needed someone to fill the empty hole in his heart that was their since Anja's death. I really do not think Vladek and Mala have a good marriage. They might have had a good marriage once, but now all the do is fight. She tries her hardest to make it work, but he just makes it even harder.

  16. I think that Vladek and Mala only got married because they went through the holocaust together and there marriage is only based off of being in the holocaust. The other reason why Vladek might have married Mala is because he felt lonely after Anja's death

  17. I think Vladek that he got remarried her her death because he felt so lonely. I think he married Anja because she was lonely too. I think that getting married is both of their way of getting over it and moving on. I think that they both know that this isn't a great relationship but without each other who would they be? Just a lonely person.

  18. I think valdek married mala because he was lonly and wanted to talk to someone who had gone through the same thing. since she went through the holocaust i think that is what he married her. I dont think this is a strong relationship and i dont think it will last because he doesnt treat her right even though he is lonley.
