Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chapter 1

List 5 Things that learned from the illustrations in Chapter 1.


  1. well like jack said i did learn that when the father was telling to story there was a box around the stories. But when it was present and the father was talking to the son it didnt. Then some of the words a darker so it can show emphases on that word. Also the word is bigger when they are yelling and in all caps.

  2. 1. I learned from the pictures that Valdek is now old by the wrinkles under his eyes and the way his glasses are at the brim of his nose.
    2. I learned when Valdek was younger he use to look like an actor as shown in the movie poster. (Rudolph Valentino)
    3. I learned that when there is lots of movement or noise(pg. 13)they put strips over the things that are moving or make a lot of noises. Also when there is music they have musical notes.
    4. I learned that the words are bold when they are yelling and or have attitude.
    5. I also noticed that the word bubbles are some times different shapes. Like on page 13 in the second row of boxes the bubbles are zig-zaggy and I don't know if it means there in a rush or nervous or what.

  3. WHOO!!! Go Maura.. Anyway 5 things...
    First i want to say is this book is interesting and i cant wait to keep reading...
    1. You know that its future present because you see the dad on the bike. Also if there were no pictures we would never know when he is telling the story or talking.
    2. The different shades of pencil makes it look very detailed.
    3. The charters look the same in the different boxes, and if there were no pictures i would have no idea what they look like.
    4. The bold makes the words way more powerful. Its the same as USING CAPS but in bold letters.
    5. When they are talking there is a circle around the words, and when its like a "narrator" part.

    Cant wait to keep reading!!!

  4. I loved how the illustrations were very detailed, it helped me understand what was going on.
    I also agree with madison, some of the words in the bubbles are in caps so you know thre emotion in the scene.
    I liked how the end of th ebubbles were facing the characters mouth, it helped me to understand who was saying the line.
    I liked how there was either a box with some lines it it to indecate when it was the narrators line.
    The illustration he drew were his interpertations of what his father told him. I bet you if his father was writting this book it would be different. There isnt really anthing discriptive in th ebook so we can really imagine what we would think of the scene.

  5. ok people i basically agree with everyone.
    1. It really helped to notice when was the past and present because of the edge or frame around the boxes.
    2.I liked that some of the words have the bold thing to indicate like maura said some type of attitude or forcefulness on the word. (like must in our song(=)
    3. I liked how sara said that the bubbles were faceing towards the person that was talking so it doesnt get confusing.
    4. I also learned that in like little boxes it was when the dad was speaking like narrorating (is that how you spell it?)
    5. And like maura said the different shapes of the bubbles which represents a different emotion.

    this book looks so gooooddddd i cant wait to get further!

  6. 1.Well one thing I learned from the illustration is that a box is around the picture when it is in the past.
    2.The way Vladek glasses sit low on his nose makes me think he is old.
    3.The word in bold and caps is more powerful and has more emphasis.
    4.The faces of the mouses are almost the same in every picture.
    5.That some of the pictures have lines on the mouses, some are shaded in and some are just plain.

  7. 1. I noticed when the words are in bold it means that it's really important and its a word that he wants you to pay attention to the most.
    2. I also noticed if something happened in the background their would be a word or symbol to symbolize what was going on like on page 13 while they are dancing you see two music symbols.
    3. In the boxes it means like thats the part where he says something.
    4. Same as what Maura said the words just don't express their emotion, so does the bubbles
    5. I like how he used a ticket on page 15 as the box when his Dad was traveling on the train

  8. 1. I saw that Vladek is telling the story after the Holocaust.
    2. There are some words that are in bold that might mean something more in the story.
    3. I also learned that Vladek is old because of the way he has his glasses on.
    4. The frames are different whether it is past or present.
    5. Artie is writing a book on his father and how he survived the Holocaust.

  9. 1. You can tell that Vladek is old by the types of clothes that he wears.
    2. You can tell that in the story Lucia is jealous of Vladek liking Anja by her facial expresions.
    3. In the book Vladek's story is told in borders and the real life parts are not.
    4. In the book Vladeks story telling parts are in boxes and the words said by people are in curved ovals.
    5. The bold words are meant to be emphisized when read.

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  11. 1. You can tell that Lucia really likes Vladek.
    2. You can tell when Vladek is telling the story because you can see the bike.
    3. You can tell when Vladek travels because you can see the train.
    4. You can tell who has money by the clothes they wear.
    5. You can tell when they are mad because their eyebrows lean in a lot.

  12. 1. You can tell by his facial expressions that Vladek is not as in love with Lucia as she is with him.
    2. Vladek was in a concentration camp or ghetto because he has a number tattooed on his arm.
    3. Artie smokes- in every "present day" frame a cigarette is hanging out of his mouth.
    4. Some people in Sosnowiec are pigs (an unidentified race).
    5. How loud a certain sound is depends on how big it is written inside the picture (example: page 20, bottom right- SLAM!)


  13. 1.on page 12 you can see on the dad's forearm he has a tatoo from the holocaust with numbers
    2. When he is on the phone the speech box is jagged when someone is talking and smooth when he is talking.
    3.You can tell that rudolph valentino is an actor from the movie poster on page 13
    4. on page 20 the illustration of lucia on the floor clutching his leg makes her seem much more desperate then if it was just words.
    5.The naration box on pg. 15 is a train ticket instead of a box on the bottom

  14. 1. Vladek has a tattoo on his arm from the Holocaust.
    2. Vladek was a very handsome man when he was younger and he wanted money out of a relationship.
    3. The border of the comic is bold when referring to the past.
    4. The words change shape when anger is presented in the story.
    5. Vladek wanted to be with Anja rather than Lucia.

  15. Jennifer

    Maura I like what you said, your number five the reason that the box is all ziz-zagy is because that is the other person on the phone. I also noticed that.
    1. People talking on the other end of the phone have a ziz-zaged box.
    2. Like we said in class he didn't add a lot of detail in the faces but you could still really tell how they felt or what was going on.
    3. When he went to Sosnowiec for the holidays the train ticket said why he was going there i thought that was cool. (pg.15)
    4. The words arn't just what the people say it also shows what noises they or other things make.
    5.On page 23 the dad is Vladek doesn't want Artie to say what he just told him but he said it weird. he said "I don't want you should write this in your book!" i thought that was weird how he said it.

    Syd i noticed the pigs too i thought that ws weird i didn't know what they were.

  16. 1. I learned that each time Vladek is shown on his bike there is no box around that part.
    2. You can notice that Vladek's speech is a slighty mixed up when he talks to Artie.
    3. You can only identify emotions by the position of the eybrows, the way the bubble is shapped, or bolded words.
    4. I learned that Vladek has wrinkles under his eyes and he has numbers on his arm from the Holocaust.
    5. As Vladek hung up Artie's coat with best of hangers, I could tell he only wanted the best for him.

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  19. 1) I noticed that on page 21 the speech box was jagged to show anger
    2) On page 20 they show SLAM! because it was a heavy impact
    3) They have borders around the past and none on the present
    4) They have just a straight box with no arrow for a narrators part
    5) The character is colored all black when he is in the shadow

  20. 1. All of the mice look the same, even the male and female mice. LIke the author said, the mouse faces are like masks.

    2. Like I said in class, the past parts are not bordered.

    3. The author said he didn't want a lot of detail so all the pictures look stripped down and are simply pencil drawn.

    4. There are few foreign words even though they say they are switching languages.

    5. Anna's name is spelled Anna and also Anja. Maybes one's Polish and ones' English?

  21. 1) I noticed the past has bubbles and the presentb doesnt.
    2) I noticed on page 12 the present has bubbles around it.
    3) I noticed that Vladek has numbers on his arm from the war.
    4) i noticed that the narrations have no box around them.
    5) i noticed the same as maura that on page 13 the boxes are different sizes I think that because he is on the phone and it is a conversation.

  22. 1. That Vladek met Lucia before he ever met Anja.
    2.That Vladek was introduced to Anja by his cousin
    3.Vladek found pills in Anja's closet
    4. Vladek was told he looked like a famous actor
    5. That he is very stressed out with Mala

  23. 1) Boxes indicate narration.

    2) Bubbles indicate talking.

    3) The mouses may be stripped, all black, or white depending on the senery.

    4)The boldness and size of print indicates the volume and force of the words.

    5) Images in general, help us understand and better visualize the emotions of the characters and the situation.

  24. 1. Comic strips sometimes have a date above.
    2. The author sometimes shows important information through an object (like the ticket, there was a date on it).
    3. Vladek and his son don't have a close relationship.
    4. Past events are not bordered.
    5. The author uses the cats and mice to symbolize how the victims of the Holacaust were overpowered and had no control.
